

乳房健康 Begins with Preventive Measures

Do you know how to check your breasts each month? 你想学吗? Meet with a nurse educator and learn how to complete a self-exam. 我们使用 a short video and breast model to help with instruction.

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呼叫 510.818.7356 安排预约.

Genetic Counseling, Testing and Risk Assessment

的 Washington Cancer Genetics Program is a collaboration between Washington 医院和UCSF健康中心. 的 program offers genetic counseling for individuals concerned with the risk of an inherited cancer predisposition. 诊所 staff includes genetic counselors, medical oncologists and registered 护士. Speak with your primary care physician to determine if a referral 来这个程序是合适的.

点击 在这里 威尼斯人官网信息.



Being newly diagnosed with 乳腺癌 is a stressful scary moment. 的 Washington 女性中心 in cooperation with your physician wishes to support you and your family during this stressful time by providing educational 关于诊断的机会. 的 乳腺癌护理会议 is a learning opportunity for you and your family that compliments your 定期看医生和接受治疗.

Our 乳腺肿瘤委员会 provides your physicians a time to discuss your results from each specialty's expertise, thus offering you treatment options 基于跨学科的方法. 专业参与包括 radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, primary physicians, gynecologists and plastic surgeons.

Some cancer treatment plans may include surgery. 共同努力实现目标 the latest surgical techniques, our surgeons and plastic surgeons offer surgical options for 乳腺癌 surgery. 重建手术包括 各种各样的程序. We work with you to help you determine the best course 你的行动.

的 放射肿瘤学中心 (ROC) offers patients access to leading-edge 放射治疗中的治疗.

A nurse navigator will work with you to schedule and understand the radiation treatment plan developed by your team of physicians. 三维 images of the tumor and surrounding tissue help determine the dose of radiation, and precise delivery to hopefully increase effectiveness while limiting the dose to minimize injury to the surrounding tissue. 点击 在这里 威尼斯人官网信息.



Our 乳腺癌 support group is an informal group of women meeting to 讨论乳腺癌患者的生活. 定期客座演讲和同行支持 offers information and 经验 many find helpful. 点击 在这里 威尼斯人官网信息.

Videos from the American College of Surgeons

的 American College of Surgeons offers a collection of informative videos on the journey of 乳腺癌 from diagnosis to treatment options to recovery.




位于威尼斯人官网西部,莫里大街2500号., HERS是一家提供 post-surgical products and services in a welcoming and compassionate setting. Personal consultation and fittings are available for privacy and convenience. 欲知详情,请致电 510.790.1911 或访问: hersbreastcancerfoundation.org.


For more than 45 years, the American Cancer Society Reach To Recovery program 一直在帮助人们应对他们的 乳腺癌 经验. Women who have 经验d 乳腺癌 visit, inform, and 支持新的乳腺癌患者. Talking with a Reach to Recovery volunteer, who has fully adjusted to her 乳腺癌 surgery and treatment 经验 can offer comfort and an opportunity to express feelings, verbalize fears, concerns and ask questions from an impartial and objective person. 这些 volunteers work closely with the Washington 女性中心 coordinator and have been specially trained by the American Cancer Society. 我们试着 to "match" you with a woman of similar age and diagnosis. 问 the 女性中心 coordinator or contact the American Cancer Society.
